The MoU for Site 3 has been signed and the project in Bogo is thus set to start

By September 9, 2015Blog, Slider

On September 8 2015, the Memorandum of Agreement which binds Cités-Unies France, France Philippines-United Action, Habitat for Humanity and the Municipality of Bogo was signed by Mayor Celestino E. Martinez Jr. of Bogo City ; thereby officially launching FP-UA’s Site 3 project.


This site will be located on a 1 hectare lot in barangay Cayang, in the municipality of Bogo situated in the north of Cebu Island. The village will include 100 houses on the same model  as the houses already buit on Site 1 in barangay Agujo. This hyperbolic paraboloid house design was developed by Architect E. Florentino after typhoon Haiyan in order to resist to intensity 8 earthquakes and high velocity 275-300kph winds. The NGO Habitat for Humanity, to which Architect Florentino offered the design model, will be in charge of building the facilities. In addition to these 100 houses, a multi-purpose center and a basketball court will be built in order to foster a sense of community in the families that will be relocated there. In fact, one of the criteria for the selection of the beneficiary families will be their strong exposure to natural disasters; thereby mostly including communities living by the shoreline.

Cités-Unies France (CUF) is the first donor for this project and will fund the first 46 houses. Cités-Unies France is a federation of French local and regional governments involved in international relations and, in particular, in decentralized co-operation. It aims at promoting local democracy, peace, international solidarity, and a strong and genuine participation of the population in local affairs.

Now that the MoU has been signed by the 4 parties involved, the construction of the first 46 houses is set to start within the month of September and should take six months to be completed.

FP-UA still needs to raise PHP 27M (USD 576,767, EUR 516,432) in order to fund the construction of the remaining 54 houses, a multi-purpose center, a basket-ball court as well as covering the cost of site development.

If you are interested to contribute to this project, please contact our project coordinator, Clémentine Turgeon at

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